Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Overdose Prevention Indicators

The domain “Overdose Prevention” refers to the program services and activities directed towards preventing fatal overdose. It includes the indicators “count of naloxone doses distributed,” “participant overdose experience,” and “reported overdose reversals.”

  • Count of naloxone doses distributed: an estimate of the number of naloxone doses a program distributes over a given time
  • Participant overdose experience: a record of SSP participants’ experiences with themselves overdosing
  • Reported overdose reversals: a record of SSP participants’ experiences reversing overdoses
  Indicator Definition Format Recommended Data Source
11 Count of naloxone doses distributed An estimate of the number of naloxone doses a program distributes over a given time Reported as a number, could be reported as a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual estimate Inventory, encounter
12 Participant overdose experience A record of SSP participants’ experiences with themselves overdosing Reported as a number Participants via anonymous point in time Survey (PiTS)
13 Reported overdose reversals A record of SSP participants’ experiences reversing overdoses Reported as a number Participants via anonymous point in time survey (PiTS)