Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

Point-in-Time Surveys

Below are all SHaRP TA Resources related to point-in-time surveys.

Estimating Individual Syringe Coverage at Syringe Services Programs (last updated: July 25, 2023)

Syringe coverage is an indicator that can help SSPs and other stakeholders estimate if people who inject drugs have enough syringes to reduce risks of infections and vein damage. This guidance is focused on calculating syringe coverage for the participants of one program and for sub-groups of participants of a program (e.g. participants who are unhoused). Health departments and researchers who work with SSPs could use this information to meaningfully engage with harm reduction staff to survey people who inject drugs and assess resource gaps. This guidance is supplemented by an example spreadsheet and a brief summary of the evidence to support needs-based syringe distribution.

The recording of the webinar launching this TA can be found here.

HIV risk and prevention among clients of a delivery-based harm reduction service during an HIV outbreak among people who use drugs in northern rural Minnesota, USA(last updated: August 31, 2023)

This academic paper was written by the SHaRP team about a point in time survey conducted by a delivery-based SSP operating out of Duluth, Minnesota.

Point in Time Survey (PiTS) Toolkit for Use at Syringe Services Programs

A Point in Time Survey (PiTS) allows a syringe services program (SSP) to ask a standardized set of questions from a portion of their clients, providing a snapshot of the population that the SSP serves. These surveys can be a quick and low-cost way to learn about the characteristics, needs, and service utilization patterns of their clients.

PiTS Survey planning, where survey goals and objectives are identified, reviewed, and refined, questions are drafted for consideration, and preparations are taken, including efforts to build staff buy-in and logistics planning.

PiTS survey design, where a survey protocol is developed; sampling method is selected; and survey questions are refined, piloted, arranged into an appropriate flow. The survey is formatted for paper and programmed onto a digital platform if applicable.

PiTS survey implementation, where survey interviewers are trained, a quality assurance plan is developed, participants are notified of the upcoming survey, and survey responses are collected.

PiTS data cleaning and analysis, where data are adjusted for errors, analyzed, and results are reviewed with stakeholders.

PiTS data dissemination and implementation of findings, where survey results are provided to participants and community stakeholders and findings are incorporated to improve programs and services.

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Overdose Prevention Indicators

The domain “Overdose Prevention” refers to the program services and activities directed towards preventing fatal overdose. It includes the indicators “count of naloxone doses distributed,” “participant overdose experience,” and “reported overdose reversals.”

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Demographics Indicators

The domain “Demographics” refers to participant characteristics at an SSP. It includes the indicators “participant age range,” “participant gender,” and “participant race/ethnicity.”

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Structural Violence Indicators

The domain “Structural Violence” refers to the ways that local, regional, and national systems and institutions, including economic, political, cultural, and legal institutions, affect the lives and health of participants. This domain includes the indicators “participant housing status” and “participant interactions with law enforcement.”