Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Service Coverage Indicators

At the population level, the domain “Service Coverage” may refer to the reach of a program in a geographic area. At the individual level, “Service Coverage” may refer to the level of engagement, level of services, or comprehensiveness of services provided to a participant. The indicators included in this domain are “hours per week a program operates,” “program’s service model(s),” and “total participant visits.” 

  Indicator  Definition Format  Recommended Data Source 
04  Hours per week program operates  A record of an SSP’s in-person schedule and/or the total amount of time a program offers services to participants each week   Reported as a number  Program model 
05  Program’s service model(s)  A list of the models through which SSPs provide services to their participants Reported as a list (i.e., fixed site, mobile, mail-based, street outreach, etc.)  Program model 
06  Total participant visits  An estimate of the number of non-unique participants a program has encounters with over a given time  Reported as a number, includes duplicated participants and thus does not require unique identification; could be reported as a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual estimate  Encounter