Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Demographics Indicators

The domain “Demographics” refers to participant characteristics at an SSP. It includes the indicators “participant age range,” “participant gender,” and “participant race/ethnicity.”  

  Indicator  Definition Format  Recommended Data Source 
14  Participant age range  A count of the number of SSP participants in age categories  Reported as a table  Participants via anonymous point in time survey (PiTS) 
15  Participant gender  A count of the number of SSP participants in gender categories  Reported as a table  Participants via anonymous point in time survey (PiTS); only when safe to collect given local context; see guidance for further information 
16  Participant race/ethnicity   A count of the number of SSP participants in racial/ethnic categories  Reported as a table  Participants via anonymous point in time survey (PiTS)