Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

Qualitative Learning Community Application

Upcoming Incentivized Training:   

The Supporting Harm Reduction Programs (SHaRP) team at the University of Washington (UW) with funding from Opioid Response Network (ORN) will be accepting applications for a paid, 8-week qualitative analysis Learning Community. This is a hands-on opportunity open to harm reduction programs to learn how to conduct qualitative analysis in a small group with other SSPs. The Learning Community will be a combination of live, online instruction, optional office-hours, independent work and deliverables, and inter-program engagement. Programs will receive up to $2500 for participating. Payment will be provided at the end of the 8-week Learning Community and will be based on a combination of required sessions attended and deliverables submitted. At the end of the Learning Community, programs will have:   

  • Learned common qualitative terminology and approaches.  
  • Set a qualitative analysis objective and developed an analysis plan. 
  • Identified codes from their dataset and built a codebook.  
  • Practiced applying codes to qualitative data, with optional practice using qualitative coding software Dedoose. 
  • Analyzed their project qualitative data and developed themes based on their coded datasets  
  • Drafted a final report of their qualitative findings.   

On Monday, January 27th, the application will be open to the public, and the SHaRP team will host a webinar from 2-3pm EST to describe the opportunity and application process. Interested programs can register for the webinar here.  

Note that this opportunity focuses on qualitative data coding, interpretation, development of themes, and report writing. It does not include time for qualitative data collection and thus interested programs must already have pre-existing qualitative data at the time of application submission to be eligible. The SHaRP team has an existing webinar on assessing the quality of existing qualitative data available to the public. We recommend that interested programs watch the webinar when deciding if this opportunity is a good fit. In the upcoming Learning Community webinar, we will discuss examples of the types of qualitative data and analysis objectives that fit the Learning Community.  

Notable application dates are included below:  


Event   Details  
Informational Webinar   Monday January 27th, 2025 at 2:00pm EST   Webinar will feature both the content covered in this learning community and information about the application process.  
Office Hours   Wednesday February 5th  at 2:00pm EST   Opportunity for interested applicants to ask questions about the learning community and/or the application process  
Application Deadline   Friday February 21st, 2025 at 11:59 PM  
Anticipated Notification Date   Friday March 14, 2025  
Project Period   Tuesday April 1st-Friday May 23rd 2025  


The application will be available on this webpage Monday, January 27th, 2025 at 10:00am EST.