Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Engagement with People Who Use Drugs Indicators

The domain “Engagement with People Who Use Drugs” refers to the ways that programs empower people who use drugs, include people who use drugs in decision-making, collect feedback from people who use drugs, and incorporate feedback in programming. This domain includes the indicators “how people who use drugs are engaged to give feedback about programs” and “how participants have decision making power in programs.”  

  Indicator  Definition Format  Recommended Data Source 
09  How people who use drugs are engaged to give feedback about programs  A record of an SSP’s approach(es) to collecting and recording input from people who use drugs about the overall program, including services, supplies, and structure  Reported as a list or narrative  Program model 
10  How participants have decision making power in programs  A list and description of ways SSP participants influence and direct program changes, practices, supplies, and services  Reported as a list or narrative  Program model