Supporting Harm Reduction Programs

SSP Indicators Implementation Guide: Structural Violence Indicators

The domain “Structural Violence” refers to the ways that local, regional, and national systems and institutions, including economic, political, cultural, and legal institutions, affect the lives and health of participants. This domain includes the indicators “participant housing status” and “participant interactions with law enforcement.”  

  Indicator  Definition Format  Recommended Data Source 
17  Participant housing status  A count of the number of SSP participants who currently live in certain situations Reported as table and/or reported as narrative, with all information de-identified  Participants via anonymous point in time survey (PiTS) or ad-hoc informal qualitative data collection with careful consideration 
18  Participant interactions with law enforcement  A record of how local law enforcement treat SSP participants  Reported as table and/or reported as narrative, with all information de-identified  Participants via anonymous point in time survey (PiTS) or ad-hoc informal qualitative data collection with careful consideration